Then throw the stuff back in and keep that save so that if you ever come back from your travels and you waited too long, you can go back to that previous save and still have all your stuff. You just need to go back to that container every once in a while, take all of your items out (agian, even if that makes you really over-encumbered) and create a save. What you are doing can work, because it takes a while for your stuff to disappear. Then you can fast travel to that town when you want your stuff, get all your items, create a save where you have all your stuff (even if you're over encumbered by like 400 pounds), then throw it back in there for a while. Alternatively (or in conjunction with the companion thing), you can place items in those new "Mojave Drop-Box" things (you have to have another one discovered in another town first. If you don't have a house, you need to get a companion to share the weight with you. There will usually be nothing in the contianer, or maybe some random spoils. By this, I mean that if you are keeping all of your stuff in a stove somewhere that originally had a pilot light in it, or a dumpster that originally had nothing in it, eventually (regardless of how much cool stuff you have) the game resets those containers and all of your stuff will disapear. If you put items in a container you do not own (meaning anything but the containers inside the house in Novac), the game eventually "refreshes" it's containers. In every Bethesda game I've played, storing your items in a random container can be very, very bad for you.

I would be careful with using the dumpster in Goodsprings if I were you.